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Bei uns mitmachen geht ganz einfach:

Wer neu dabei ist, wird bei allen Arbeiten angeleitet und kann dann auch schnell eigene Verantwortung übernehmen. Um die sogenannte Flugberechtigung zu erlangen, müssen im ersten Jahr 200 und später jede Saison 300 Arbeitsstunden geleistet werden. Das klingt ersteinmal viel, aber die Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten für Arbeitstunden sind vielfältig und mit etwas Motivation neben dem Studium auf jeden Fall machbar. Die Möglichkeit, an dieser einzigartig günstigen und ereignisreichen Flugausbildung teilzunehmen, ist für uns alle als eine gute Motivation! Bevor man Vollmitglied wird, ist man ersteinmal „Anwärter“ und hat so ein halbes Jahr Zeit, sich genau zu überlegen ob die Akaflieg das Richtige ist.

Mit uns geht es hoch hinaus!       Foto: Simeon Schmauß

Fliegen lernen:

Every April a two-week training camp takes place on our glider airfield in Königsdorf. Who has never flown before learns it there with our flight instructors. Double- and single-seaters are available for the training. After the training camp, every weekend during the flying season we fly, if the weather permits. Those who often take part and fly a lot will quickly be able to celebrate their first successes, such as the first solo flight or the first flight in a single-seater.

Was das Ganze kostet:

Membership in the Akaflieg is free of charge, there is no membership fee or admission fees. We pay practically with our working hours. The planes are provided free of charge and the flight instructors are volunteers. The only costs that are incurred are: The fee per take-off and the fees for formalities such as flight doctor or authorities with the registration to the certificate. As a rule, the entire training does not cost more than 800-1000 euros. We want to get our members into the air, so we make flying as inexpensive as possible.

The Akaflieg is, as you can already guess, not an ordinary gliding club, where you pay a lot for the pilot training and where you can fly in good weather on weekends some times. We are an association in which only students are active members. And that means: we don't just want to fly, we want to do more than that! We want to design and build our own airplanes, otherwise we would not do justice to the "academic" in our name. We rely on the commitment of our members, who spend a large part of their free time in Akaflieg. There is always enough to do: The working hours can be completed by building new aircraft, maintaining and repairing aircraft or by organizing public activities. Previous knowledge is not necessary, we are happy to pass on our practical knowledge.

Bei uns triffst du neue Freunde!

In addition to the work, the Akaflieg is of course a fun and exuberant place to celebrate. Our Christmas celebrations are legendary and at the annual aviation camp in the northern Italian Alps we also fly to culinary and cultural heights. In summer, the barbecue behind the workshop is heated up spontaneously. In addition, as a rule every Akaflieger is at your side with help and advice.

We think it's worth being a member of the Akaflieg and to combine the hobby of gliding with the practical workshop work besides your studies.

Interessiert? Dann komm doch vorbei!

We meet regularly on Thursday evening for the group meeting at 19:30 at changing locations. It is best to write a short e-mail to um den Ort der Veranstaltung zu erfahren. Ansonsten könnt ihr auch gerne einfach so vorbeikommen schauen, ob bei uns in der Werkstatt etwas los ist und uns dort kennen lernen! Uns findest du here.