Student Club Fair & Info Evening 2024

Please note: The presentation at the info evening will only be held in German, as it is our working language. But of course, we'll answer all of your questions in english as well!

The time has come again: The TUM Student Club Fair 2024 opens its doors and the Akaflieg München will be there as well! Afterwards, we are also organizing an information evening where you can get to know us in detail. If you want to know more about building, researching and flying, you've come to the right place.

When and where?

  • Date: Oktober the 23rd
  • Time of the Student Club Fair: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Location of the Student Club Fair: Faculty of Mech. Engineering of TUM at Campus Garching (to the roomfinder)
  • Start of the info evening: 7:30 pm
  • Location of the info evening: room MW1550 of the Faculty of Mech. Engineering (to the roomfinder)
    Access to the room is via the freestanding spiral staircase in courtyard 6 of the entrance hall.
Unser Stand im letzten Jahr. Auch dieses Mal kannst du wieder nach den gelben Jacken ausschau halten!

What can you look forward to?

  • From 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, we will be presenting ourselves alongside the other student groups at the information fair. We will show you some of our work and answer all your questions about the Akaflieg München!
  • In addition to our booth at the Student Club Fair, we will also be presenting our latest glider, the elegant Mü 31. Take the opportunity to see her up close!
  • In parallel to the Student Club Fair, our workshop in Garching will also be staffed. There you will get an insight into how we work and can ask us your questions about aircraft construction.
  • Starting at 7:30 pm, you can gain deeper insights into the world of aircraft research and development during our presentation with a drink and a pretzel in your hand. You will find out what your start with us will look like and what we'll expect from you. A cozy get-together, exchange with like-minded people and snacks – what more could you want?
  • If you can't make it to the information evening in person, you can also watch last year's recording on YouTube. Of course, not everything is up-to-date, but the most important points have not changed.

Why should you stop by?

Wir, die Akaflieg München e. V., sind nicht nur leidenschaftliche Flugzeugbauer und Forscher, sondern auch eine Gemeinschaft, die eine Begeisterung für die Luftfahrt teilt. Bei uns kannst du mehr als nur Fakten lernen: Du kannst Teil einer Gemeinschaft werden, die sich der Forschung und der Faszination des Fliegens verschrieben hat.

Whether you want to fly yourself, are interested in the technology or just want to find out more about Akaflieg München – we look forward to meeting you and sharing our passion with you.

Be there, get inspired and take off with us! See you soon at the TUM Student Club Fair 2024!