Thinking about joining us? Then you've come to the right place!
Joining us is very easy
Newcomers are quickly introduced to all the fields of work and can then take on their own responsibilities. In order to fly with our planes and obtain a license, 200 working hours must be completed in the first year and 330 hours each season after that. That sounds like a lot at first, but we have exciting and varied tasks and opportunities for working hours. With a little motivation, it is definitely doable alongside your studies. The opportunity to take part in this uniquely affordable and eventful flight training is a good motivation for all of us! Before you become a full member, you will first become an aspirant (we call them “Anwärter”) and have six months to decide whether Akaflieg is the right thing for you. Students from all Munich universities can join us.

This glider is being towed by a winch to a height of about 400 meters above the ground
Learn to fly
Every April, a two-week training camp takes place at our glider airfield in Königsdorf. If you have never flown before, you can learn with our flight instructors. Double and single-seater gliders are available for training. After the training camp, we fly every weekend during the flying season, if the weather allows it. Those who attend often and fly a lot will soon be able to celebrate their first successes, such as their first solo flight or their first flight in a single-seater.

Working on exciting projects
As you can already guess, the Akaflieg is no ordinary gliding club where you buy your license with a lot of money and then occasionally show up on the weekend when the weather is good. We are a club in which only students are active members. And that means: we don't just want to fly, we want more than that! We want to design and build our own airplanes, otherwise we wouldn't live up to the “academic” in our name. We live from the commitment of our members, who spend a large part of their free time in the Akaflieg. The tasks are very varied and there is always plenty to do; after all, we are both a student-run aircraft manufacturer and a gliding club with active flight operations and our own training. The tasks range from designing our own aircraft parts to manufacturing simple metal components, laminating carbon fiber wings, repairing aircraft trailers and working with the press. But no previous experience is required, we are happy to pass on our knowledge.
What it all costs
The membership in the Akaflieg is free of charge, there is no membership fee or admission charge. The aeroplanes are provided free of charge and the flight instructors work on a voluntary basis. We practically pay for that with our working hours. The only costs for the flight training are the fee per take-off with the winch and the membership fee for the Luftsport-Verband Bayern (Bavarian Air Sports Association) which includes insurance. However, this money does not go to us. As a rule, the entire training costs no more than 800–1000 euros, which is actually a lot cheaper than a car driving license in Germany. We want to get our members into the air, which is why we make flying as inexpensive as possible.

You'll meet new friends here!

In addition to the work, the Akaflieg is of course a fun and exuberant place to celebrate. Our parties are legendary and at the annual aviation camp in the northern Italian Alps, we also fly to culinary and cultural heights. In summer, the barbecue behind the workshop is heated up spontaneously. In addition, every Akaflieger will be at your side with help and advice.
We think it's worth being a member of the Akaflieg and to combine the hobby of gliding with the practical work in the workshop besides your studies.
Write a short informal e-mail to, to receive all the necessary steps to get started with us. Just letting us know that you are interested is already enough, but of course we would love to know a bit about who you are, what you are studying and how you found out about the Akaflieg!
It’s important to mention that our working language is German, and you should know at least some basics in order to be able to participate. Around level A2 should be enough to start working in our workshops. But if you want to take on more responsibility later on, and especially if you want to start the lessons for your pilot license with us, you will need a good degree of German, something around B2.
We suggest you just come by and see if it works for you. We have several members who came with only a basic knowledge of German but improved rapidly while working with us.
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